For many companies, control what happens to their premises is essential to ensure safety. INPROJECT offers video surveillance systems with IP technology such as wired solutions aimed at SMEs, we can meet those needs.
Cameras of all types, indoors, outdoors, daytime, nighttime, fixed, mobile, IP, WiFi technology, wired, recorders with endless possibilities, but in order to meet the highest security requirements that require our customers.
You can capture video motion detection and control whether an object has been moved from its original location.
You can record it to a recorder (but on a PC) the video signal received to evaluate it later with the tranquility required.
You can configure the security device to alert you via phone or text message, if any abnormalities occur.
You can view the images via web from Internet or through any mobile device that has internet.
Instal·lacions i Projectes del Solsonès, S.L.
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